Everybody Counts! A Handbook on Inclusion and Participation of young people in EP countries

We are excited to share with all of you our handbook ”Everybody Counts!” on inclusion and participation of young people in Eastern Partnership countries.

The project “Everybody Counts” is developed by Armenian Progressive Youth NGO in partnership with Foundation for Advancement of Moldova and Society Initiative Institute, Ukraine. The project fosters integration and participation of young people from rural and deprived urban areas through raising awareness on youth participation opportunities and providing job preparation, digital and mobility trainings.

Low level of youth participation in rural and deprived urban areas remains one of the key issues across the Eastern Partnership countries. Specifically in Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine there is a lack of youth participation structures in rural areas. At the same time, young people are not able to join the decision-making processes on youth issues at a local level. There are either no youth consultative bodies or youth councils in the municipalities or the existing ones are formal in their nature. In order to fill this gap of participation, together with our partners in Moldova and Ukraine we have implemented “Everybody Counts: Rural Youth Empowerment in Eastern Partnership Countries” project which aimed to empower young people and youth leaders in rural and deprived urban areas in Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine through series of workshops and awareness raising meeting.

In our handbook the main outlines of the training courses in Armenia, Moldova and the Ukraine are briefly represented.

The training courses in Armenia have demonstrated that it is of great significance to admit that when developing youth policy, projects or any activity in which young people are targeted, young people must not be dismissed as lacking capabilities or being deprived by circumstance, rather young people collectively can be an asset to development; at local, national, regional and international levels.

You can also familiarize yourselves with the results of the surveys carried out by our Moldovian colleagues where the young people share their opinion on their involvement in the socio-economic and political life of the country in many different respects i.e. employment, financial viability, supports by institutions etc. However, the results are far from being comforting and, unfortunately, it is today’s reality in Moldova.

The participants of the training course in the Ukraine have come to the following possible ways of solving the centralization of youth opportunities in one place. Some of the solutions to the problem according to the Ukranian youth workers can be adopting a system of preferential crediting of rural youth for the construction of housing, the purchase of durable goods; involving the mass media in the coverage of the social situation and development of youth, implementation of the state youth policy in the village and so on.

Some other interesting highlights of the project can be found in our handbook, which you can download by following the link bellow:

English version of the Handbook
Russian Version of the Handbook

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union.